Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hidden Camera

You know how there are times when really cool/funny/unique/whatever things happen and you say to yourself: Damn I wish I had my camera/camcorder. (Well now you can! for only 5 payments of ... sorry I kinda felt that's what it sounded like) Or sometimes you have a camera but you don't have it out and it was only like a few second event?

Well that happened to me today. I mean it happens a lot. For example when I was coming back from Port Authority this past weekend, there was this man and his kid on the subway. The man was sitting with his arm around the kid and they were both sleeping. But they weren't just sleeping, both of them had their heads back and mouths wide open. I really wanted to take a picture of it. It was really cute. On the other side of the spectrum, today I witnessed a pretty epic fail.

So I was walking back from chipotle (obviously) and as I was crossing the street I saw this guy sitting in his van. I guess he had something in his mouth that he didn't want because he tried to spit out of his window. Now I know that when your vehicle is moving and you spit, sometimes the wind will make it come back at the vehicle. So instead it ends up on your car. Or sometimes you try and spit and it doesn't have enough force and it lands on your door or window or something. There are loads of possibilities. But for this guy. He is parked on the side and he attempts to spit and not only does it not hit the ground OR his car, it sorta just dribbles onto his shoulder. So there is this white line on his shoulder. Then he decides to be more fail. He brushes off his shoulder with his hand. So now he has this whatever on his shoulder and on his hand. Luckily for him he pulls out a napkin and starts to alleviate the situation. I know sometimes in my car I didn't have tissues and stuff.

But let us recall what happened. Man sitting in an unmoving vehicle fails to remove something from his mouth...without getting it on his shoulder. I don't think anything from my mouth has ever arrived on my shoulder before. Then he decides to use a body part of his to wipe it only to find out that thats no good. Of course this may not be funny to you at all but I think it would have been if you were able to see it...if only I had my camera. :/

The moral this time is: a) have a camera on and ready at all times b) If a picture is worth 1000 words and a video is thousands of pictures, I didn't write nearly enough to portray how fail this man was.

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