Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So I went to Boston this past weekend. Also for some reason it always ends up that Julie's free times to come down always happen to be like immediately after mine... go figure. So she will be coming down this weekend.

Anyways in boston it was very event filled.

We made white chocolate macadamia nut cookies with coconut on top.

We watched some episodes of an anime about musicians

We cooked burgers for a friend's birthday...this involved setting off the fire alarm and in an effort to stop it from ringing leaving the bread in the oven and the meat an onions on the stove and everything becoming overcooked/burnt. The bread was hard as rock but if you took it off it was still super yum.

I sat in the study lounge while Julie tutored someone in statistics...I did some hw and took a nap
We went shopping. For the most part it was Julie buying things here and there but then I came around in the end and got those Air Jordans I posted about earlier. YAY!

We wanted to go to a place to eat bar food...burgers and stuff only to find out that it was actually a Bar and we needed to be 21 or older to even go inside. Maybe it was the time?

Overall it was very fun

We even almost got Hustled by these little kids. As we sat down eating lunch (really good place called Scoozi) these two kids walk up and ask: "Do you want to buy some of these paper flowers in order to help us buy a birthday gift for our mom?"

I, being the evil person I am, said no. I also noted that that is a great marketing scheme asking children to ask for money to help their moms aww so sweet. They also preyed on those who couldn't walk away.

So these kids in their slick guido hairstyles decide to ask the people next to us. The people respond how much is one? The kids respond 2 dollars each. The two dudes then asked if he had change for a 10. The kids responded that they didn't and they could just buy 5. They did.

Then in a few minutes they were spotted walking away with their mom trying to sell to more people. Needless to say the two men next to us weren't happy and I think I heard something about going over to teach them all a lesson. I was like LOL. What a bunch of Pros.

Moral: When trying to sell things, use children and love appeal. Also after selling things don't lose your front that fast or you might find a lesson or two coming your way.

P.S. I think I'm going to start carrying my camera around with me so I can take pictures and not make my blog look so ugly. I've got one so far.

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