Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April Fools!!!!

It is officially April Fools now. I think today there is supposed to be something about the Conficker worm taking over like millions of PCs or something. Also I am curious to see what internet giants like google and youtube and facebook may do. As for me I don't think I will be doing anything.

I can't wait for my professors to throw clever things out there: Guess what? Pop quiz or guess what you failed your midterm or something....April Fools!...oh wait you are kh2332? no you really did fail your midterm.

Also... I dunno why I started blogging so much.

In other news I have discovered mathematically through the lovely econometrics hw I was doing that you are older for a lot longer of a time span than you are young. Like you are only young for like 30 years at most. Given that people live like 70-80 on average
that is mad shorter of a time being young than old. Also 30 years of youth is pretty generous I feel. So don't be in such a rush to mature and grow up folks. You don't have much youth left. almost 2/3s through it. OH GOSH I need to go do some juvenile things.

Also I had an epic conversation with larry today: discussing how Columbia pwns me

What is the lasting impression Columbia made on u?
Uhh, despite all of the metaphysical and philosophical questions that remained unanswered
[19:46] flowitup: Columbia at least gave me one guaranteed answer
[19:46] plazmanrg: hahahaha
[19:46] flowitup: How to fail the right way? Attend Columbia
[19:46] plazmanrg: "I may be a failure..but Im an ivy league failure"-Random Columbia student

So I think we want to make these into tee shirts and sell them. Who is with me?

Thats it for now maybe I will update with any funny April fools things

Moral: Don't waste your youth....oh wait its pretty much too late.

Google's April Fools:


2nd Midterm coming up on April 15th with review session on the 13th

Being virus-y


Flights to Mars

More to come?


So I went to Boston this past weekend. Also for some reason it always ends up that Julie's free times to come down always happen to be like immediately after mine... go figure. So she will be coming down this weekend.

Anyways in boston it was very event filled.

We made white chocolate macadamia nut cookies with coconut on top.

We watched some episodes of an anime about musicians

We cooked burgers for a friend's birthday...this involved setting off the fire alarm and in an effort to stop it from ringing leaving the bread in the oven and the meat an onions on the stove and everything becoming overcooked/burnt. The bread was hard as rock but if you took it off it was still super yum.

I sat in the study lounge while Julie tutored someone in statistics...I did some hw and took a nap
We went shopping. For the most part it was Julie buying things here and there but then I came around in the end and got those Air Jordans I posted about earlier. YAY!

We wanted to go to a place to eat bar food...burgers and stuff only to find out that it was actually a Bar and we needed to be 21 or older to even go inside. Maybe it was the time?

Overall it was very fun

We even almost got Hustled by these little kids. As we sat down eating lunch (really good place called Scoozi) these two kids walk up and ask: "Do you want to buy some of these paper flowers in order to help us buy a birthday gift for our mom?"

I, being the evil person I am, said no. I also noted that that is a great marketing scheme asking children to ask for money to help their moms aww so sweet. They also preyed on those who couldn't walk away.

So these kids in their slick guido hairstyles decide to ask the people next to us. The people respond how much is one? The kids respond 2 dollars each. The two dudes then asked if he had change for a 10. The kids responded that they didn't and they could just buy 5. They did.

Then in a few minutes they were spotted walking away with their mom trying to sell to more people. Needless to say the two men next to us weren't happy and I think I heard something about going over to teach them all a lesson. I was like LOL. What a bunch of Pros.

Moral: When trying to sell things, use children and love appeal. Also after selling things don't lose your front that fast or you might find a lesson or two coming your way.

P.S. I think I'm going to start carrying my camera around with me so I can take pictures and not make my blog look so ugly. I've got one so far.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Ok so today I am writing about the passage of time. I know I was talking to annie about this but we still remember just getting into college and we are already 3/4 done with our second year of college. Annie recalls when she just joined up with CSC and now she is president (yay annie!) I still remember the times when we would just sit on the steps until early morning or play frisbee late into the night. I remember all the times we used to hang out. The whole gang. Now we are moving our seperate ways and doing or things. New experiences and new accomplishments. We are all growing up...or shall I say most of us are. I dunno if I am. haha.

As I was walking back from work I saw all the tour groups of prospective students being led around like little dogs and recalled that at one point I may have been like that too. So full of hope about college and so unaware of just how challenging and different it would be. They don't have any idea of how their lives are going to change. The whole time the song playing on my ipod was Coldplay's Clocks. It was overwhelming amount of nostalgia and so I felt that I had to post.

After it all I must say I am pretty happy about how things turned out. I am happy I am friends with who I am and enjoy my life. Leave a comment about time if you like.

Moral: I have developed my own type of morality. It has a simple principle. Do things as long as you won't regret them later. If you have no regrets you have done right.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Something that annoys me

You may not be familiar with what Im talking about here but recently I went to the orthopedic doctor because my back hurts and stuff. Go figure why I have back pain at age 19. Anyways they give a few choices for what I guess could be called relationship status. The choices are as follows:

Are you?
Single Married Divorced or like Widowed or something.

And Im sitting here trying to figure out where I am in the spectrum. Im certainly not married yet. which would make the latter two also impossible. But I am also certainly not single. I really was confused as to what/where I fit in here. I dunno if anyone else had any problems with this kind of thing before. Or has there been something else where they give you categories and you aren't really in any of them? Basically Im begging for comments because it seems that nobody comments so...please do comment.

Today's moral is: Take care of your body so you don't have to deal with potentially hurting yourself or filling out paperwork for your doctor that gets really annoying.

Seriously though,
Doctor's paperwork is really stupid.
It asked me please describe your pain in the following areas:
Back: Buttocks: Legs: Please use percentages keeping in mind that the total should add up to 100.

I was like how the hell am I supposed to put percentages of pain in different parts of my body? I can't measure that nonsense.

Also the more typical questions.
Have there been any cases of x,y, z conditions in your family since the last time you filled this out for a doctor? Have any members suddenly developed a history of cancer in like the one year you haven't filled one of these out?

They should really ask:
Are you wondering why we don't just do this electronically so that we can forward it to other doctors?

And basically Doctors annoy me

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break

Not much to say here. Im on spring break and have been studying for my CC midterm. Also I did a probability problem set. Yup.

However I was talking with a friend of mine about why female mantises eat the male ones after or during mating. and came across this yahoo question. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081004121427AA8HFwJ

If you look at the link you see that she poses the question and chooses the best answer. The answer sucks. Then scroll down to the first answer after that. Admire how it is infinitely better. OK thats all I really had to say.

Moral: Don't as questions if you don't want answers


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Break will have begun by the end of today (Pretty Much)

So I don't have much time to post now as two midterms are coming up but I'm really awake right now and I hope I do well. In fact I'm so awake that my brain was like "WHATS GOOD SON?!" and nobody answered because a) I'm not telepathic and b) they were all asleep. -.-" Ill finish later today

OK so its actually the next day but I'm done until CC on the wednesday when we come back. Great success. Overall pretty tired. I dunno if anyone else is doing anything but I don't think I will be. I think I am going to buy tickets for Europe and have a phone interview on Monday but...other than that its time to rest and maybe do well on CC to make up for possible loss on both Econ midterms. I like Statistics a lot more than Econ. :/

I'm pretty sure there was a point to the post and I had something I wanted to say originally but I totally forgot by now. I am looking forward to dinner with the Vicky and Anna then gonna head on home! Rest Relaxation and Review.

Moral: Don't put off finishing your posts and at least if you do put a note in your draft about what you are going to write

Also I really want to get the white polka dotted Jordan Lows...opinions?


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hidden Camera

You know how there are times when really cool/funny/unique/whatever things happen and you say to yourself: Damn I wish I had my camera/camcorder. (Well now you can! for only 5 payments of ... sorry I kinda felt that's what it sounded like) Or sometimes you have a camera but you don't have it out and it was only like a few second event?

Well that happened to me today. I mean it happens a lot. For example when I was coming back from Port Authority this past weekend, there was this man and his kid on the subway. The man was sitting with his arm around the kid and they were both sleeping. But they weren't just sleeping, both of them had their heads back and mouths wide open. I really wanted to take a picture of it. It was really cute. On the other side of the spectrum, today I witnessed a pretty epic fail.

So I was walking back from chipotle (obviously) and as I was crossing the street I saw this guy sitting in his van. I guess he had something in his mouth that he didn't want because he tried to spit out of his window. Now I know that when your vehicle is moving and you spit, sometimes the wind will make it come back at the vehicle. So instead it ends up on your car. Or sometimes you try and spit and it doesn't have enough force and it lands on your door or window or something. There are loads of possibilities. But for this guy. He is parked on the side and he attempts to spit and not only does it not hit the ground OR his car, it sorta just dribbles onto his shoulder. So there is this white line on his shoulder. Then he decides to be more fail. He brushes off his shoulder with his hand. So now he has this whatever on his shoulder and on his hand. Luckily for him he pulls out a napkin and starts to alleviate the situation. I know sometimes in my car I didn't have tissues and stuff.

But let us recall what happened. Man sitting in an unmoving vehicle fails to remove something from his mouth...without getting it on his shoulder. I don't think anything from my mouth has ever arrived on my shoulder before. Then he decides to use a body part of his to wipe it only to find out that thats no good. Of course this may not be funny to you at all but I think it would have been if you were able to see it...if only I had my camera. :/

The moral this time is: a) have a camera on and ready at all times b) If a picture is worth 1000 words and a video is thousands of pictures, I didn't write nearly enough to portray how fail this man was.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Quick Post about friends

Well I haven't posted in a while because I have been mad busy. There are many things that have happened in my life since the last post. Of course now I don't think I can recall them . I am going to europe this summer though. That is going to be awesome. Housing remains as confusing as ever. There is a reason for this post today. In fact the post has more than one purpose.

First I wanted to have somewhere where I could remember something I wrote. Of course this may be cocky but I gave some advice that I thought of on the spot and I kinda want to remember it in case I am feeling down.

no use in sulking though
(11:30:28 PM) jlz0813: that is true
(11:30:32 PM) jlz0813: just gotta get the work done
(11:30:49 PM) plazmanrg: yup
(11:30:54 PM) plazmanrg: bounce back
(11:30:55 PM) plazmanrg: and recover
(11:31:00 PM) plazmanrg: we are still young
(11:32:15 PM) jlz0813: haha we're approaching oldness pretty quickly
(11:32:27 PM) plazmanrg: hey
(11:32:38 PM) plazmanrg: we are growing the same rate we have been
(11:32:43 PM) plazmanrg: a second is still a second
(11:32:50 PM) plazmanrg: just depends on what you do with it
(11:32:52 PM) plazmanrg: :D
(11:33:28 PM) plazmanrg: while a child's second could be just chasing a butterfly and ours may be doing a pset an adults may be providing for the family
(11:33:32 PM) plazmanrg: its all the same
(11:33:36 PM) plazmanrg: just seize the moment

I will use this when I am feeling like I have no time. I have the same amount of time as I did when I was younger and will have the same time when I'm older. I chose what to do. Don't waste it and everything will be better.

Also I want to remember what my dad said to me this past weekend.
As a business man I feel that this is pretty important (to me anyways).

Money is not everything, but without money you are nothing.

Of course this is a little more dramatic than necessary but I feel it captures the truth.

The second purpose of this post is mainly to ask a question.

This article says something about friends. How many is average, how many good friends, how many you can confide in? What do you think?

What makes a good friend? How many do you think is appropriate. This is interesting to me. I know vicky and I and Julie and I (I didn't know how to say that without it seeming like vicky and julie also talked about it together) talked extensively on the subject. What do you think?

The moral this time is: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7913552.stm which means.... CHEER UP be happy and be healthy. Otherwise you will be upset and you will then be unhealthy and be more upset. Then your whole life will suck.