Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Now I don't remember my dreams very often and I don't know if you do but all of a sudden in the middle of the day I remembered a part of my dream that I had last night. And disturbing as it was, this is a pretty neat thing to happen to me. I don't remember the last time I could remember my dreams and when I do they are usually pretty stupid. For example I would fail a test or something. Boring...that happens in real life too. This time it was pretty unreal. So here is how it went...

I walk downstairs into my kitchen at home. It is around noon time and for some reason my mouth hurts. So I see my parents and open my mouth to complain when my teeth all fall out in a bloody mess onto the table. Everyone was seemingly unperturbed by this event (though I was pretty freaked out) so I pick up my teeth. For some reason they were connected in groups, for example my front two teeth were connected. They also didn't have the roots that teeth have in real life. It was just a flat plate. I take a good look at my teeth and then proceed to insert them back into my mouth. It felt really weird. I can still feel it now. Something along the lines of pushing a plate into gum but it being both numb and painful at the same time. After I put them in I think the dream ended and I woke up...

Then I think I went back to sleep.

I dunno if any of you have like wild dreams or remember them very often anymore but I thought it was pretty interesting.

Moral: Don't loose your teeth out of your mouth or you will experience a feeling of numbness mixed with inserting a plate into gum and pain.


  1. i wish crazy shit like that would happen to me in my dreams!!

  2. that is really strange. i have lots of dreams about losing teeth, or wiggly teeth...
