Thursday, January 22, 2009


I wrote about in my last post, a changing of tastes as people age, grow older, mature, whatever. In a sort of continuation of that I have noticed a definite change in the way I view some of my classes. This time I am talking specifically about CC. Now CC is an interesting class one that usually does not happen before the college level. We read and discuss things in large quantity and of large historical importance. Ill be honest with you. My activation energy regarding reading is extraordinarily high. It will take forever to get me started. Same with writing. But I can't say I honestly hate to read. If I find it interesting after I have been forced to read I will. Pretty simple. Like most of the world I read Harry Potter without putting it down for hours on end. I think I just need a catalyst to help me lower the energy needed. Maybe its the realization that Im not as smart as maybe I thought I was. I thought it would be fine with just Bs in CC but I think it is important as the rest of my classes for my major will get harder that I have to do as well as I can in every class. I am beginning to enjoy it I suppose. I made promises to read everything before but not until now have I actually read. Rousseau isn't too bad and I think that things will get more interesting from here. I also must thank Microsoft One Note for allowing me to take real notes divided by section and topic. I think this happens to all people at Columbia at some point. I think there is a point of realization where its like oh I guess its not so bad. Some people enjoy the humanities immediately some change one or two semesters in. Finally its my turn. Who knows though. Maybe its just because I don't have any other hw yet. But I want to do better. Im going to try to meet the challenge.

Also. Vicky is cutting Jer's hair right behind me. So today's moral is: don't cut hair by yourself.

Edit: I then also got my hair cut by Vicky. It is short but apparently ages with time. I like the cool feeling of wind where I never felt it before.

Second moral: Haircuts are like wine

1 comment:

  1. dude i just failed like 3 assignments for low speed aerodynamics and thermodynamics for aeros lolz. i wish i had a class where i could just read. on the other hand i have finally finished building and overclocking my computer =)
